Bus from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

Bus from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

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Ubon Ratchathani is one of the provinces in Thailand that is charming. It is near the Mekong River and located next to Laos. There are many tourist attractions such as Wat Sirindhorn Wararam Phu Prao which has another name “Fluorescent Temple”. It is located on a high hill, and you can see Laos from the viewpoint area. At night, you can enjoy watching the beauty of the green light behind the temple. You are invited to worship the simulated Bodh Gaya Pagoda from India. Besides, don’t miss to visit Khemmarat Walking Street along the Mekong River and still the way of life of the Cambodian people. Ubon Ratchathani is waiting for you to experience!

How to Get from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

There are few options to go from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani. Options like train, bus and self-drive are the few common choices to go Ubon Ratchathani from Surin. Bus from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani is one of the most popular options to travel because of its frequent schedule and more comfortable seat.

How Long is the Journey to get from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

The duration required from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani by bus is roughly 3 hours. Please note that the bus travel time from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani depends on the weather and road traffic conditions on the departure day.

How Far is Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

The route distance is about 169km.

Bus Operator for Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

Sri Mongkol Transport is a bus operator that provides the bus service from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani. There are 2 daily departures, at 18:00 am. and 19:00 pm.

How much is the Bus Fare from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani

The bus ticket price from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani is about THB167.

Where is the Boarding Point in Surin

The boarding point in Surin at Surin Bus Terminal.

Where is the Arrival Point in Ubon Ratchathani

The arrival point in Ubon Ratchathani is at Ubon Ratchathani Bus Terminal.

How do I Book Bus Service from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani?

You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you would rather not do that, you can visit www.busonlineticket.co.th and book your seat within 5 minutes.

How can I make an online bus ticket booking in Thailand?

You can book a bus of your choice to any destination in Thailand by logging on to the official website of BusOnlineTicket which is https://www.busonlineticket.co.th/. The site is user-friendly and you can book your bus ticket in a matter of minutes.

Bus from Surin to Ubon Ratchathani Bus Schedule
