Bus from Sukhothai to Lampang

Bus from Sukhothai to Lampang

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Bus from Sukhothai to Lampang is one of the convenient modes of transport to travel from Sukhothai to Lampang. Lampang is a charming town that is famous for temples and traditional wooden houses. Bus service remains the first choice for travelers to travel from Sukhothai to Lampang because there is no direct flight and train service available between the two places.

Operators Provide Bus from Sukhothai to Lampang

Sukhothai Wintour is the only bus operator who offers bus service from Sukhothai to Lampang. Sukhothai Wintour is popular in providing frequent and affordable bus service in Thailand. They have a total of up to 6 daily departures from Sukhothai to Lampang.

Both P1 and P2 bus types are deployed by Sukhothai Wintour to serve passengers. Kindly note that the P1 coach type has a toilet on board while the P2 coach type has no toilet on board. The earliest bus leave at 6:30 am. The following bus schedule are 7:15am, 9:30am, 10:10am, 11:50am and 1:40pm.

Duration, Fare, and Notes

The duration required for bus from Sukhothai to Lampang is approximate takes 3.5 hours depending on the road traffic and weather condition. The route distance is about 228km. During the journey from Sukhothai to Lampang, passengers could enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road.

The bus fare from Sukhothai to Lampang is charged in a range of THB203 to THB219, depending on your choice of the bus operator. The boarding point in Sukhothai is located at Sukhothai Bus Terminal. Meanwhile, the arrival point in Lampang is located at Lampang Bus Terminal.

Book your bus ticket from BusOnlineTicket.co.th is very simple and convenient. You can enjoy 24/7 online access to BusOnlineTicket.co.th to check the trip availability and book your bus ticket now. Booking is instantly confirmed upon payment is successful.

Bus from Sukhothai to Lampang Bus Schedule

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