Surin to Bangkok Train Tickets

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Estimated Trip Duration is 7.1 hour(s)
Note : Train from Surin to Bangkok seat options include 3rd Class Fan Seat,2nd Class Fan Seat,2nd Class Fan Sleeper,2nd Class Air Conditioned Seat,2nd Class Air Conditioned Sleeper,1st Class Air Conditioned Sleeper

Surin to Bangkok Train Schedule and Train Fare

Train Operator First Train Last Train No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Thai Railway (Removed) 07:49 22:56 45 M T W T F S S  THB 179
Train from Surin to Bangkok
Cheapest Price฿ 179
Distance496 km
Est. Duration6 hours 48 minutes
No. of Operator1 operators

Popular Train Company from Surin to Bangkok

Train from Surin to Bangkok

Surin to Bangkok Train

Surin to Bangkok train is important to connect the people between these two provinces. Tourists usually take train from Surin to Bangkok after visiting the Khmer ruins and other attractions in the province. Meanwhile, the locals especially the working adults usually take Surin to Bangkok train service on weekend to go back to Bangkok after spending time with their family in Surin. Taking train from Surin to Bangkok is the best way to get to Bangkok from Surin. Although Surin has its own airport, there is no direct flight from Surin to Bangkok. On the other hand, bus from Surin to Bangkok might offer less convenience compared to the train service (if you choose first or second class train). Hence, train from Surin to Bangkok is also one of the popular train route in Thailand.

SRT Train Schedule and Ticket Price

SRT train ticket price depends on the train type and the ticket type that you choose. Below is the SRT train schedule for Surin to Bangkok trains that are available for online booking at
TimeTrain NoTrain TypeTicket TypePrice (THB)
Est. Arrival: 14:55
72Express2nd Class AC Seat419
3rd Class Fan Seat253
Est. Arrival: 18:40
136Rapid2nd Class Fan Seat309
3rd Class Fan Seat213
Est. Arrival: 21:10
146Rapid2nd Class Fan Seat309
3rd Class Fan Seat213
Est. Arrival: 22:55
22Special Express2nd Class AC Seat519
Est. Arrival: 5:00
142Rapid2nd Class Fan Seat309
3rd Class Fan Seat213
Est. Arrival: 5:15
24Special Express1st Class AC Sleeper1,406
2nd Class AC Sleeper929
Est. Arrival: 6:40
68Express1st Class AC Sleeper1,176
2nd Class AC Sleeper699
3rd Class Fan Seat253
Est. Arrival: 7:20
140Rapid2nd Class AC Sleeper659
2nd Class Fan Seat309
3rd Class Fan Seat213
* Time and fares might change depending on the season, subject to the operator ** AC = Air Conditioned

Trip Distance & Duration

The distance between Surin and Bangkok is around 434 km away from each other. The trip duration for train from Surin to Bangkok takes about 6-9 hours, depending on the type of train that you choose. Generally, Special Express train takes the shortest time followed by the Express train and Rapid train.

Pick Up Point – Surin Railway Station

The location of Surin Railway Station is in the middle of the town. Therefore, getting to Surin Railway Station is easy if you are in Mueang Surin Sub District. You can take the pink songthaew that goes around the town and passes by Surin bus station and Surin Railway Station. Apart from that, there are many tuk tuk, motorcycle taxi and samlors (rickshaw) around the town for you to hire to get you to the train station. Surin Railway Station was designed with a simple architecture. Once you arrive, you will find the ticket counter right after you enter the train station. To go to the platform, you just have to pass by the door right beside the ticket counter. At the train platform, there are plenty of seats available for passengers to wait for their train.

Arrival Point – Bangkok Train Station Hua Lamphong

In Bangkok, the arrival point for Surin to Bangkok train is at Bangkok Train Station Hua Lamphong. Hua Lamphong Railway Station is the main train station in Bangkok. Located in the middle of the city, getting to other parts of Bangkok from Hua Lamphong Railway Station is very convenient. There are many public transportation available in Hua Lamphong Railway Station such as BMTA buses, MRT and taxis. For more details, visit our guide for Hua Lamphong Railway Station.


SRT trains have toilet on-board so passengers do not have to worry about taking a long train ride in Thailand. In case you get hungry, Express trains and Special Express trains usually have a dining coach so you can get food and drinks while on the journey. Breakfast costs around 100 THB and dinner costs around 200 THB. Apart from that, there are also local vendors who would go on the train to sell foods during the stops at some train station. Alternatively, you can always prepare or buy food before you board the train. Please note that alcohol is not allowed on the train. For those who bought the sleeper train ticket, the staffs will help to convert the seats to beds when the night approaches. They will also provide a clean pillow and blanket for all passengers.