Bangkok to Trang train
Train from Bangkok to Trang is one of the most popular train routes in Thailand. Although Trang have an airport, flight ticket price from Bangkok to Trang is usually more expensive. Moreover, the location of Trang Airport is rather far from the city. Hence, the travelling time and additional cost from the airport to the city is not convenient. Therefore, many people prefer to take Bangkok to Trang train.

Trang is one of the attractions one can find among many other beauties in Thailand, albeit the province is less popular among tourists. Nevertheless, Trang is perfect for those looking for a less crowded and more peaceful and relaxing getaway. Positioned on the southern part of Thailand and facing the Andaman Sea, Trang is a gateway to many gorgeous islands. On top of that, Trang is also popular for its rich choices of food and delicacies coming from different cultures. Hence, Trang still receives many visitors every years.

Bangkok to Trang Train Schedule & Train Ticket Type

The train from Bangkok to Trang does not have frequent schedule. There are only two departures daily in the evening at 5.05PM and 6.30PM. The Bangkok to Trang train ticket price depends on the type of train and the ticket type that you choose.

Below is the train from Bangkok to Trang schedule that are available for online booking at

Time Train No Train Type Ticket Type Price (THB)

Est. Arrival:(08:05)

83 Express 1st Class AC Sleeper 1,510
2nd Class AC Sleeper 901
2nd Class AC Seat 691
2nd Class Fan Seat 491
3rd Class Fan Seat 315

Est. Arrival:(10:31)

167 Rapid 2nd Class AC Sleeper 841
2nd Class Fan Sleeper 601
2nd Class Fan Seat 451
3rd Class Fan Seat 275

* Time and fares might change depending on the season, subject to the operator
** AC = Air Conditioned


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Reminder : You must print out the E-Ticket sent to your email. Without the printed ticket, you might not be able to board the train. Tickets shown from the phone or tablet is not valid.

Trip Distance & Duration

The distance between Bangkok and Trang is around 830km. Bangkok to Trang train can take up to 15-16 hours journey to get to this southern part of Thailand. Generally, Express train takes shorter time as compared to the Rapid train. Express train takes around 15 hours. Meanwhile, Rapid train takes around 16 hours to reach Trang.

Departure Point – Bangkok Hua Lamphong Train Station

Bangkok to Trang train departs from Bangkok Hua Lamphong Train Station, which is the main train station in Bangkok. Serving more than thousands passengers daily, Hua Lamphong Train Station is one of the busiest train station in Thailand. The train station is located in the city center of Bangkok, hence there are many options of transportations you can choose from to get there.

One of the more popular options is to take the MRT and stops at Hua Lamphong MRT Station. This MRT station is connected to the Hua Lamphong Train Station by an underground pathway. For more details, check out our Bangkok Hua Lamphong Train Station guide.

Arrival Point – Trang Train Station

Trang Railway Station or Trang train station is located on the Kantang Branch Line. Kantang Branch Line is a part of the main Southern Line and the junction is at the Thung Song Junction.

Built in the city center of Trang, looking for transportation from the Trang train station to your hotel or next destination is easy. There are tuk tuk, bus and motorcycle taxi available outside the Trang train station once you got off the train.


There are toilets on board for the convenience of the passengers. Moreover, you can buy food from the canteen coach or wait for the staff to walk around and sell them. Breakfast cost around 100 THB and dinner cost around 200 THB. Alternatively, you can also buy food before your departure.

For those who booked sleeper tickets, the staffs will provide each of you with a clean pillow and blanket. They will also help you to turn your seat to bed when the night approaches.


15-16 hours is a long time. So, bring some entertainment with you if you do not want to get bored. Sleeper train; especially the air-conditioned sleeper train, is a more popular choice among passengers since this is an overnight train trip. Therefore, book your Bangkok to Trang train tickets online in advance to avoid disappointment.

Booking online is easy with and you can choose from various payment gateways available on our website. Furthermore, online booking not only saves time but also the cost of going to the train station to book the train tickets. So, plan your trips, check the train schedule and availability and book your train tickets online today!

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