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Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Esan Tour 09:31 19:01 2 M T W T F S S  THB 643
Phetprasert Co.,Ltd. 09:00 19:00 6 M T W T F S S  THB 599
Sombat Tour 19:30 19:30 1 M T W T F S S  THB 896
Bus from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen
Cheapest PriceTHB 599
Distance644 km
Est. Duration9 hours 4 minutes
No. of Operator3 operators

Popular Bus Company from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Bus from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Bus from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen is the one of the popular routes in Chiang Mai, especially for those locals and foreigners to arrive at Khon Kaen for transferring bus to other cities in Isan region. Khon Kaen being the major hub of transport in the Isan region serves as the major transportation hub for Isan region.

Moreover, if you wish to travel from Bangkok to Khon Kaen, you can visit for more information regarding the trips details.

How to Get from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Train does not serve Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen. For those who have visited Chiang Mai and plan to go Isan region can either take bus or flight only.

Because of the expensive flight ticket, bus is always the preferred option by locals and foreigners to travel from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen. Besides a few schedules in the morning, most other Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen bus departures are schedule in the evening. Evening bus is favoured because travellers could save their precious day time.

How Long is the Journey to get from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Duration for bus from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen is about 10-11 hours.

How Far is Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

The route distance from Chiang to Khon Kaen is 650km.

Bus Operator for Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

Esan Tour and Phet Prasert are the few bus operators offering bus from Chiangmai to Khon Kaen.

How much is the Bus Fare from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen

The bus ticket from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen is reasonably charged in the region of THB572 to THB601 depending on the bus operator.

Where is the Boarding Point in Chiang Mai

The boarding point in Chiang Mai is located at Chiang Mai Arcade Bus Terminal.

Where is the Arrival Point in Khon Kaen

The arrival point in Khon Kaen is at Khon Kaen-Bus Terminal.

How do I Book Bus Service from Chiang Mai to Khon Kaen??

You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you would rather not do that, you can visit and book your seat within 5 minutes.

How can I make an online bus ticket booking in Thailand??

You can book a bus of your choice to any destination in Thailand by logging on to the official website of BusOnlineTicket which is The site is user-friendly and you can book your bus ticket in a matter of minutes.
