Bus from Hatyai to Krabi

Bus from Hatyai to Krabi
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Bangkok to Krabi is one of the beach-lover bus routes in Thailand. Krabi also the gateway to Koh Phi Phi and Koh Lanta.

How to Get from Hat Yai to Krabi

Bus from Hat Yai to Krabi is most popular transportation option for tourists as well as locals because there is no train service between the two popular tourist destinations. Please note that there are two types of coaches used for Hat Yai to Krabi. First type is the regular bus and another type is minibus or van.

How Long is the Journey to get from Hat Yai to Krabi

Duration for van from Hat Yai to Krabi usually takes about 4 hours, depending on traffic condition. Washroom break is provided upon request along the highway.

How Far is Hat Yai to Krabi

Distance from Hat Yai to Krabi is about 268.9 km.

Bus Operator for Hat Yai to Krabi

Please note that there are only two authorised minibus or van service providers who can drop off passengers at Ao Nang Beach (Ao Nang is the beach resort area in Krabi, about 25 minutes driving distance away from Krabi town). For most tourists, Ao Nang should be the destination. Tourists should not be confused by any other illegal service providers selling cheaper fare to Krabi because you may end up dropping off at Krabi town instead of Ao Nang.

My Son Krabi Tours listed in BusOnlineTicket is one of the authorised service providers. Hence, online booking in BusOnlineTicket for My Son Krabi Tour ticket gives your assurance that you will be alighting at the hotel in Ao Nang.

The first minibus or van leaves Hat Yai for Krabi and Ao Nang at 9.00 am morning. Then the following schedules are 1.00pm and 5.00pm.

How much is the Bus Fare from Hat Yai to Krabi

The fare for minibus or van from Hat Yai to Krabi is THB 400.

Where is the Boarding Point in Hat Yai

The boarding point in Hat Yai is located at Hat Yai Bus Terminal.

Where is the Arrival Point in Krabi

The arrivals point in Krabi is at hotels in Krabi Ao Nang area.

How do I Book Bus Service from Hat Yai to Krabi?

You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you would rather not do that, you can visit www.busonlineticket.co.th and book your seat within 5 minutes.

How can I make an online bus ticket booking in Thailand?

You can book a bus of your choice to any destination in Thailand by logging on to the official website of BusOnlineTicket which is https://www.busonlineticket.co.th/. The site is user-friendly and you can book your bus ticket in a matter of minutes.

Hatyai to Krabi Bus Schedule

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